"Stage Time"
"Our class has drama! Our drama has class!"
Welcome to Creative Dramatics! This is the class where YOU are the STAR!
This year students attend class for one week each six weeks so we have a lot to work on in one week each six weeks. Each time will have a focus that will be not only a part of the curriculum for theatre but also for reading and language arts.
As Walt Disney said,"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Every week we will be concentrating on building character as an ensemble
member and as a best supporting actor or actress.
We are looking at our objectives of (1) Actor's choice, (2) Raising the stakes,
and (3) Physicality.
We use our actor's toolbox everyday which consists of our imagination (mind),
movement (body) and communication (voice).
Students will develop basic acting skills by portraying characters in improvised and scripted scenes.
The rules for class are simple!
D-Demonstrate control of your body so no one gets hurt.
R-Respect each other.
A-Always try.
M-Maintain concentration
A-Audience etiquette. Watch. Listen. Learn.
Our vocabulary includes stage directions.
climax, plot, playwright, farce, drama, tragedy, comedy, cold reading, understudy, setting, publisher, call backs
Self Reflection
. Students also are ending the week by rating themselves on a scale 1-4.
One stands for "Audience Member"-not really wanting to participate
Two stands for a "Rising Star" for someone who is "Ready, Respectful, and Responsible" SOME of the time....but improving everyday.
Three is for "Best Supporting Actress or Actor" for someone who is being "ready, respectful, and responsible" MOST of the time.
Four is for "Best Actress or Actor" for someone who is always "Ready, Respectful, and Respectful" ALL of the time. Hollywood or Broadway may not be calling, but we want to always try to do our best!
Remember that you want to grow and grow in your abilities!